Reuse the water tank module to form a retaining wall module in SPPM
Are there any plans to use the Water Tank module in Structure Wizard in the Physical Modeler to create a retaining wall module? It seems like this could be developed easily from the water tank module.
Thank you for posting this idea. Yes, it is entirely possible to create a simple retaining wall template for the Physical Model structure wizard. However, it is provided as an open system so anyone can create their own templates, so is this the best use of the development team or would it be better for them to develop solutions that the engineers cannot create themselves with the tools we have already provided?
Thank you for posting this idea. Yes, it is entirely possible to create a simple retaining wall template for the Physical Model structure wizard. However, it is provided as an open system so anyone can create their own templates, so is this the best use of the development team or would it be better for them to develop solutions that the engineers cannot create themselves with the tools we have already provided?