Automatic load generations (i.e. Wind Load or Seismic Load) to be used in the Reference Loads
Currently Automatic Wind/seismic Load cases can be generated in the Primary Load case only. Adding these in reference loads will give flexibility of applying different factors for different scenarios in basic load cases.
Thank you for posting this idea. I am sure you appreciate that this capability is available with the program as it stands as you can reference a primary load case in another primary load case using the REPEAT command with a suitable factor. What would be the added benefit having this available in Reference cases too other than the results not being available for the reference case?
Thank you for posting this idea. I am sure you appreciate that this capability is available with the program as it stands as you can reference a primary load case in another primary load case using the REPEAT command with a suitable factor. What would be the added benefit having this available in Reference cases too other than the results not being available for the reference case?