Türkiye de yaşayan mühendislerin programlarınızı kendi ülke standart ve kurallarına göre daha rahat kullanabilmeleri ve bunun paralelinde programlarınızın kullanım oranlarının artması doğrultusunda eklenmesi yaralı olacaktır.
It will be beneficial for engineers living in Turkey to use your programs more easily according to their country's standards and rules, and to increase the usage rates of your programs accordingly.
and providing a copy of TS500 2018. I assume your specific request is to provide the seismic loading as defined in figure 2.1 on page 9 or as per figure 2.3 on page 11 as a static equivalent load.
STAAD.Pro currently provides the requirements for Turkey as per, Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas Part – III – Earthquake Disaster Prevention Amended on 2.7.1998, Official Gazette No. 23390 (English Translation).
Is there an English translation of the above document so we can see the differences? This will then allow us to determine how much work would be involved for the development team.
Thank you for your idea (which in English is:-,
It will be beneficial for engineers living in Turkey to use your programs more easily according to their country's standards and rules, and to increase the usage rates of your programs accordingly.
and providing a copy of TS500 2018. I assume your specific request is to provide the seismic loading as defined in figure 2.1 on page 9 or as per figure 2.3 on page 11 as a static equivalent load.
STAAD.Pro currently provides the requirements for Turkey as per, Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas Part – III – Earthquake Disaster Prevention Amended on 2.7.1998, Official Gazette No. 23390 (English Translation).
Is there an English translation of the above document so we can see the differences? This will then allow us to determine how much work would be involved for the development team.