The STAAD.Pro now can not check the the vertical structural irregularities 5a/5b in the ASCE 7 table 12.3-2 by ant command stream, but as the code demand, the designer need check this irregularities, it is very difficult and cost time for designer to calculate the revelant data to judge whether the stucture have the irregularities or not, so i highly recommend the software to add this function to help the designer to juge whether the stucture have 5a/5b irregularities or not.
Thank you for posting this idea. If I understand correctly, you are looking for the program to provide a method to check for the geometrical irregularities that result in instabilities in seismic events due to the irregularities. STAAD.Pro does provide that however it is provided as checks to the Eurocode EN1998 and does require the model to be defined with a Eurocode response spectrum.