User use different software for modelling building depending on how much user-friendly the software is.
Now reactions at base level are required to design mat or any footing for which SFA can be used.
But since there is no option like in earlier o...
AutoDrafter - Show Tee Sections (From Halved Wide Flanges) as the WT callout
Sometimes these drawings are sent to other colleagues that do 3D modeling, and sometimes do not know that W200x27 TEE === WT100x13. It would be an improvement for the Schedule of Sections and MTOs show the correct WT callout, when a STAAD users sp...
AutoDrafter - Do not show "Rigid" Member Symbol if member is a free end
AutoDrafter currently shows a rigid member symbol when a member has a free end with no other members connecting to that location. It would be great to remove these redundant symbols
AutoDrafter - Allow Option to Remove Member/Connection Type Legend
Member/Connection Type symbols sometimes crowd a drawing too much, or is too long (e.g., when dealing with Tee members taken by halfing a wide-flange section). It would be nice for an option within the Drawing Style Manager to activate/deactivate ...
AutoDrafter - Allow Isometric View (Full MTO Table)
It is only possible to create a plan/section by selecting a member at that location, and must be in the plane of either a plan or section. MTO take-off "drawing" only shows table - a great addition would be to add the isometric view of the structu...
AutoDrafter - Allow Manual Assignment of Member/Connection Type
AutoDrafter appears to have some automated rules that are not perfect; would be nice to be able to override Member/Connection Type within AutoDrafter (e.g., select a column member, right click, modify properties, change 'Member Type').