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Steel structure optimization for tapered sections and built-up section

Optimization of steel structure in staad pro as per (Indian code like IS-800 _2007, IS-801 etc. has many limitations till now. It has to be resolved earlier, Some of limitations are ~ optimization for tapered sections not supported by staad ~ opti...
about 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

Implementation of IS 16700: 2023 in staad pro

Now a days, construction of high rise building are very common in India, and it is very necessary to implement code for the same like IS 16700 with new amendments in 2023, kindly implement the same in staad as early stage, with all clauses like co...
about 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

Extend the Take off Command to Plate elements

It'd be nice to be able to use the take-off command on plate elements. Similarly to beams where the take off give the section, length, and weight. Having the take off give thickness, area, and weight would be really helpful.
about 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 4 Future consideration

JIS/TIS c-light lip section database for coldform steel design

Too many requirement for design the JIS/TIS c-light lip section as cold formed steel using STAAD. So, is it possible to have an JIS/TIS c-light lip section properties included in the database. If there are these section database in STAAD, it's can...
over 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Future consideration

Scale factor for displacement quantities in response spectrum analysis as per IS 1893:2016 amendment no-2 (additional clause regarding

It is understood that while performing response spectrum analysis, the scale factor (V_b/V_B ) Where,V_b=Equivalent static base shear,〖 V〗_B Response spectrum base shear), is automatically accounted for calculation of design base shear. But,this s...
7 months ago in STAAD.Pro 0 Needs review

RDCD limitations need to be takeup

While doing design of beam using Staad file interface at each level selected beams need to be design as per Staad design envelope. 1) Along X-direction grid design will be one envelope. 2) Along Z-direction grid design will be second envelope. 3) ...
7 months ago in STAAD Concrete 1 Needs review

OpenSTAAD Function to Delete/Remove Existing Design Brief(s)

There exists a function to create a new design brief OSDesignUI::CreateDesingBrief(). However, there is no function to remove/delete existing design brief(s). Please review and consider adding this function.
about 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 3 Future consideration

Ciudad de Mexico NTC code 2023

To update/include the specifications for mexican regulation for Ciudad de Mexico to the latest version 2023 which include loads specifications, seismic, wind, or at least the steel and concrete.
7 months ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Future consideration

There sholud be a Way to Create a Physical Model from a working Analytical Model!

I know there is a way to use Copy/Paste Nodes, Members, Properties, Materials, etc.Not Talking about the hard way of doing things- which involves trial and error and a lot of clean up. Since the new recommended Workflow is promoting a Physical Mod...
over 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 2 Future consideration

Add feature of modelling of chequered plates and grating in staad pro CE

In a multistorey steel structure, chequered plates and grating are widely used (as like slab used in RCDC) building, there is an option of modelling RCC slab in staad pro,like parametric modelling option,plate element option etc, but there isn't a...
about 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Already exists