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ADD the slenderness ratio to the normalized ratio

If the slenderness ratio meets the requirements, but its normalized ratio is not shown in the utilization table, can the slenderness ratio be added to the utilization table, which will help the designer to understand the condition of the member.
11 months ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

Getting Ratio of the design calculation by OpenStaad API

There is no command to get the design calculation results in OpenStaad and I would like you to provide it.
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 5 Future consideration

Provide detailed calculations and formulas

Can you provide calculations which are similar to the connection design, i.e. include detailed calculations as well as formulas?
11 months ago in STAAD.Pro 2 Will not implement

mass Load generator in Physical Modeller

It would be useful if Mass Model generator is included in physical Modeller.
11 months ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

RCDC design all type of slab(waffle,rib,flat,solid)

No description provided
about 3 years ago in STAAD Concrete 1 Needs review

Add the ability to add wind loads to plate elements

It would be nice to be able to apply wind loads on plate elements. Especially given that there is a wind load definition specifically for tanks, but no way to model that tank other than plate elements. The alternatives are a cumbersome to implemen...
about 3 years ago in STAAD.Pro 2 Future consideration

Universal Setting for Design Results Colour

It would be useful to be able to a universal setting for different colors for different range of utilization ratios in the model to visually inspect. Right now they are only File Specific which means I will have to manually change the utilisation ...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 3 Future consideration

Staad Pro does not include Seismic load NBCC 2015

Dear All, I highly recommend to include calculation of seismic load using NBCC 2015. I see it as a big gap in Staad Pro not to include Seismic loading using NBCC 2015 Thanks a lot
about 4 years ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Future consideration


May you please update the design of Slant beam in RCDC,as you may have a building has a certain slope from one grid to another
about 4 years ago in STAAD Concrete 0 Future consideration

Add the design parameters for plate design as a member. In stairs the plate design is very frequently using.

No description provided
over 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Already exists