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Showing 445 of 445

It would be nice to be able to list the allowable stress in a report

SAMPLE BUCKLING LENGTH ALLOWABLESTRESS MEMB LY(m) LZ(m) UNL(m) KY KZ UNF FA(N/mm2) FT(N/mm2) FCZ(N/mm2) 1001 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.400 156.670 138.250 1002 2.500 5.000 2.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.400 156.670 138.250 1003 4.000 8.00...
over 1 year ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Future consideration

UC summary based on Profile Shape and Group

Please prepare a UC summary table Profile size wise, Group Wise from
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

Add SPAN command similar to SACS instead of DJ1 and DJ2

It is painful task to add DJ1 and DJ2 for deflection check in design paramter. Instead create SPAN command , which allows to add a set of members in a SPAN command to calculation local y and z deflection and actual DFF against allowable DFF. This ...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 2 Future consideration

Orientation check for Solids

It shall be noted that, if solids are not oriented properly than, we are not able to assign properties to the model, and it is difficult to see which the bod is solid. -- With Regards. Ankur Jain -- Model Attached is confidential.
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Needs review

Testing ideas portal 2

This is a test without logging in
over 3 years ago in STAAD Concrete 0 Needs review

Wind Load Graphic

Product: STAAD.Pro Description: Wind Load Graphic Details: Service Request 7001551689 created from the web by Milton Manos User Phone Number: 17406859217 I am requesting that add a Wind Load Graphic (see enclosed example) to their calcul...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Already exists

Add support for Brazilian Codes

Please, add Brazilian codes: Some of the most important codes: ABNT-NBR 6118 (concrete design) ABNT-NBR 6122 (foundations design) ABNT-NBR 8800 (hot-rolled steel design) ABNT-NBR 14762 (cold-formed steel design) ABNT-NBR 7190 (wood design) ABNT-NB...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD Concrete 4 Needs review

Lateral Drift as per Verco Decking

Provide a method to provide the design data to calculate the lateral drift using the methods provided by Verco Decking inc.
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 0 Needs review

Design classification in Load Cases Definition

Include a Design category as part of the load case/combination definition so that when a design includes the load case/combination, it 'knows' how to consider the analysis results in the design without having to create a load envelope of a given t...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 0 Future consideration

Sorting function of member properties

A really useful feature for steel structures would be a function to sort all the section properties alphabetically/numerically. In large structures it becomes very hard to follow what section is what once you hit around 100 different section prope...
almost 2 years ago in STAAD.Pro 1 Future consideration